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Moorings and berths for rent around New Zealand

Book a mooring quickly and easily, or rent your mooring when you're not using it.

Recently added moorings and berths

Looking to rent out your mooring or berth

Flexible Availability

Make your mooring or berth available on your terms. Set the dates when your space is free and let us handle the payment and paperwork.

Secure Payments

Our platform handles the payment process so you don't have to, providing protection for both mooring/berth owners and boaties.

Expand Your Reach

Reach a wider audience of boat enthusiasts by listing your mooring or berth on Mooringbnb.


Find a mooring or berth to rent


Search for a mooring across New Zealand. Use the interactive New Zealand map to find a mooring where you want to go, complete with availability, facilities, and nearby attractions.


Skip the hassle and sail away faster with our instant booking feature. Reserve your preferred mooring or berth in minutes, eliminating lengthy reservation processes.

Sail with freedom

Book a day ahead or a year ahead. Experience the freedom of going where you want, following your nose or the weather, never needing to go ashore to find a mooring for the night.